WSD Closantel Sheep Drench

WSD Closantel Sheep Drench is a narrow spectrum treatment for internal parasites of sheep and lambs with sustained action against re-infestation by Haemonchus Contortus (Barbers Pole Worm), and activity against Fasciola Hepatica (Liver Fluke) and Nasal Bots (Oestrus ovis).  

Active Ingredient: Closantel @ 37.5g/L

Similar or comparable to Closicare Sheep Drench (Virbac)

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WSD Closantel Sheep Drench CLOSANTEL WSD


WSD Closantel Sheep Drench

Active Ingredient: Closantel @ 37.5g/L

Similar or comparable to Closicare Sheep Drench (Virbac)

WSD Closantel Sheep Drench is a narrow spectrum treatment for internal parasites of sheep and lambs with sustained action against re-infestation by Haemonchus Contortus (Barbers Pole Worm), and activity against Fasciola Hepatica (Liver Fluke) and Nasal Bots (Oestrus Ovis).  

What parasites will WSD Closantel control;

  • Haemonchus Contortus (barber’s pole worm)
  • Fasciola hepatica (liver fluke) from 6 weeks
  • Oestrus ovis (nasal bot)

WSD Closantel provides sustained protection against the re-infestation by both mature and immature stages of barber’s pole worm in sheep for 4 weeks after dosing. Closantel controls both mature and immature stages of a liver fluke as well as all stages of nasal bots.

Why choose WSD Closantel Sheep Drench;

  • Contains Closantel – Closantel is a medium spectrum drench with activity against barber’s pole worm, liver fluke and Nasal bot.
  • Control of Barber’s Pole Worm – Barber’s pole worms are insatiable feeders, sucking blood from the lining of the stomach, causing anaemia. Sheep with heavy infections of barber’s pole worms lack stamina, have pale gums and conjunctiva, and may also have bottle-jaw or constipation.  If present in large numbers, barber’s pole worms can kill sheep. Closantel can provide control of susceptible barber’s pole worm, including sustained protection against re-infection.
  • Control of Liver Fluke – WSD Closantel Sheep Drench provides control of immature and adult liver fluke including the 6 week (immature) stage. Treating immature flukes reduces the damage that they do to the animal’s liver, which in turn reduces overall production losses.

When treating an outbreak of Barbers Pole infestation (Haemonchosis), consideration should be given to using an alternative drench from the WSD range, particularly WSD Levamisole Oral Drench for Sheep or WSD Combination.

WSD Closantel Sheep Drench is particularly effective when combined with management strategies to control Haemonchosis (Barbers Pole) including rotation and spelling of paddocks.

Pack Sizes: 1L, 5L & 20L

Registrant: WSD Agribusiness Pty Ltd

Sheep Drench Range

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Features & Benefits

  • Contains the active ingredient Closantel.
  • Is a sustained action oral anthelmintic and flukicide for sheep and lambs.
  • Is a medium spectrum oral drench for sheep.
  • Control of barber’s pole worm.
  • Control of liver fluke.
  • Control of nasal bots.

Directions Of Use

Dose Rate: 1mL of WSD Closantel per 5kg Live bodyweight.

Bodyweight (kg) Dose Volume Doses/1L Doses/5L Doses/20L
Under 15 3 333 1667 6667
16-25 5 200 1000 4000
26-35 7 143 714 2857
36-40 8 125 625 2500
41-45 9 111 556 2222
46-50 10 100 500 2000
51-55 11 91 455 1818
56-60 12 83 417 1667
61-65 13 77 385 1538
66-70 14 71 357 1429
71-75 15 67 333 1333

Over 75kg – 1mL per 5kg of live bodyweight.


  • Shake containers well before using this product. 
  • WSD Closantel can be administered orally through standard accurate drenching equipment. 
  • Clean equipment thoroughly before and after use

Dose Rates:

  • Dose sheep orally to the heaviest animal by live weight in each group (ewes, rams and lambs) and these should be weighed with scales or weigh band. 
  • Do not underdose. 
  • Where there is a large variation in size within the group, the dose rate should be based on the label directions for each weight range. 
  • Drafting into two or more lines may be appropriate to avoid excessive overdosing.
  • Internal parasites may develop resistance to drenches. 
  • Ask your local veterinary adviser for recommended parasite management practices for your area to reduce the development of resistance. 
  • It is advisable that a drench resistance test be conducted before any drench is used. 
  • If drench failure with this preparation is suspected, seek veterinary confirmation and notify the manufacturer

Rates are a general guide only.  Before opening, carefully read WSD Closantel Sheep Drench directions for use, precautionary and protection statements, storage and disposal, safety directions and first aid instructions.

Questions and answers from customers

    Is WSD Closantel Sheep Drench the same as Virbac Closicare (Sustained Action Oral Anthelmintic and Flukicide for Sheep) and can be used on alpaca?

  1. Q Is WSD Closantel Sheep Drench the same as Virbac Closicare (Sustained Action Oral Anthelmintic an...... Read more
    Asked by Christine on March 7, 2023 3:54 pm
    Answered by the admin

    WSD Closantel Sheep Drench and Virbac Closicare (Sustained Action Oral Anthelmintic and Flukicide for Sheep) are similar or comparable products.  They are both made from the active ingredient Closantel @ 37.5g/L.  WSD Closantel Sheep Drench is registered and recommended only for use on Sheep and Lambs, not Alpacas.  Your local veterinarian must provide off-label recommendations.

  2. Is WSD Closantel Sheep Drench a White Drench or a Yellow Drench?

  3. Q Is WSD Closantel Sheep Drench a White Drench or a Yellow Drench?
    Asked by Eric Brown on March 20, 2022 9:15 am
    Answered by the admin

    As per the SDS for WSD Closantel Sheep Drench, the appearance of the drench is a green liquid with a noticeable odour.  WSD Closantel Sheep Drench is classified in the SA or salicylanilides/phenols group (narrow spectrum).

  4. Can I use this as part of our maintenance of worms with our alpacas? We have been using Zolvix Plus; Cydection Long-acting and Decomax One of our alpacas may have liver fluke as still anaemic.

  5. Q Can I use this as part of our maintenance of worms with our alpacas? We have been using Zolvix Pl...... Read more
    Asked by Reeny on March 4, 2022 9:33 am
    Answered by the admin

    Specialist Sales is bound by the registered claims listed on the products label, and as WSD Closantel Sheep Drench is registered for use in Sheep only, we can't recommend you use it on Alpacas.  We suggest speaking with your local Vet as they can recommend specific 'off-label' use of veterinary products.  WSD Closantel Sheep Drench provides control of immature and adult liver fluke, including the six weeks (immature) stage in Sheep.

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Disclaimer: This information and product advice is not intended to be advice or recommendations for any specific use or circumstance. You should seek specialist advice before using any product. Always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. Specialist Sales liability is limited.

Host & Pest

Host Pest
Host & Pest
Sheep & Lamb Barber's Pole Worm-Haemonchus Contortus, Liver Fluke, Nasal Bot

Tips For Use


When to Use WSD Closantel Sheep Drench;

  • When Targeting Barber’s Pole Worm:

Barber’s pole worm has an enormous egg output, so can build up quickly when conditions are suitable (warm and wet). Infected sheep can succumb quickly to disease because of the huge impact of the worms’ blood feeding. Closantel’s sustained activity against susceptible barber’s pole worm is particularly useful for targeting the worm if it is the predominant species on your farm. WSD Closantel offers 4 weeks protection against reinfection by susceptible barber’s pole worm and protects against pasture contamination by worm eggs for up to 6 weeks. If other worms are causing problems at the same time, a broader spectrum product should be used.

  • As A Liver Fluke Drench:

The early spring preventative fluke treatment is important as it reduces pasture contamination with fluke eggs. The use of WSD Closantel Shep Drench at this time provides an effective fluke treatment (no early immature and few immature stages should be present) while rotating away from the heavily used triclabendazole drenches. It will also help to suppress the barber’s pole worm population early in the risk period.

  • When rotating to a non-ML drench

It is important to use effective drenches on your property. If closantel drenches still give effective control on your property (>95% efficacy) and the barber’s pole worm is the target, then WSD Closantel is a useful tool to extend the life of other drenches, including the macrocyclic la.

Advice On Use:

  • WSD Closantel is particularly useful if administered in spring before the rise in Haemonchus parasites in the sheep or survival of larvae on pastures.
  • Administration in spring is also useful in removing residual liver fluke. infestations, and managing the contamination and early pickup of the liver fluke in affected areas. This provides a useful alternative to WSD triclabendazole products.
  • When treating an outbreak of haemonchosis (barbers pole infestation), consideration should be given to using an alternative drench from the WSD range, particularly WSD Levamisole or WSD Combination.
  • WSD Closatnel is particularly effective when combined with management strategies to control haemonchosis including rotation and spelling of paddocks.
  • Closantel is not effective against the other major gastrointestinal worm parasites.
  • Resistance to closantel is widespread among barbers pole worm (Haemonchus) in some sheep-raising districts.
  • The repeated use of any drench is likely to result in the emergence of resistance and therefore, regular testing for efficacy is recommended if closantel is used.
  • The emergence of resistance on an individual farm is likely to result in the failure of the closantel to provide extended protection against re-infestation by Haemonchus.


  • Do not use in female sheep which are producing or may in the future produce milk or milk products for human consumption.


  • Store below 30°C (room temperature) in the closed, original container in a dry, well-ventilated area, and protect from sunlight.

Safety Directions:

  • May irritate the eyes and skin. 
  • Avoid contact with the eyes and skin. 
  • When opening the container and using the product, wear cotton overalls, buttoned to the neck and wrist and elbow-length PVC gloves. 
  • After use and before eating, drinking or smoking, wash hands, arms and face thoroughly with soap and water. After each day’s use, wash gloves and contaminated clothing.

First Aid:

  • If poisoning occurs contact a doctor or Poisons Information Centre. Phone Australia 131 126.
  • For further information, refer to the Safety Data Sheet (SDS).

Withholding Period

Withholding Period Details WHP: 

  • WHP: Do not use less than twenty-eight (28) days before slaughter for human consumption. 
  • Milk: Do not use in female sheep which are producing or may in the future produce milk or milk products for human consumption. 
  • Trade Advice Export Slaughter Interval (ESI): Do not use less than 60 days before slaughter for export.

SDS & Technical

WSD Closantel Sheep Drench Label Download Pdf
WSD Closantel Sheep Drench SDS Download Pdf
WSD Closantel Sheep Drench TechNote Download Pdf

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